Managing your business will require you to make a number of critical decisions involving marketing, hiring employees and retaining clients. Unfortunately, it can be easy to overlook the importance of insuring your enterprise against the various risks that it may encounter. To help you make informed choices when it comes to your insurance, you might need to have the following questions answered.
Isn't A General Liability Policy Sufficient?
There are some business leaders that may make the mistake of choosing to only carry a liability policy for their company's property.
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Which Car Insurance Coverage Do You Need For Your Medical Damages?
Car insurance isn't just for paying for repairs if your car gets damaged. Depending on the coverage you have, your car insurance may also cater cover your medical bills. After all, millions of people get injured in car crashes every year. Here are some of the forms of coverage you need if you want your car insurance to compensate you for your bodily injuries:
Personal Injury Protection
Personal injury protection (PIP) coverage is only available in no-fault states.
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2 Steps For Making Sure Your High-Priced Items Are Insured Under Your Home Insurance Policy
A home insurance policy is not only good to have in the event of an accident, but it also protects items in your home that may be damaged or stolen. While it is expected that basic personal items, like furniture, cooking ware and clothes may be replaced through a standard policy, this does not hold true for items that are more expensive. High-priced items like art and jewelry are often not fully covered under a standard homeowner insurance policy.
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Ready To Be An Independent Contractor But Worried About Legalities? Consult These 3 Professionals
If you are considering starting your own business as an independent contractor and you aren't sure what you need to go into business, there are a few things you'll want to do. You want to make sure that you are protected legally and that you are being responsible financially. There is a lot that goes into making sure that your business isn't at the risk of becoming a target legally, and so you don't become a target of the IRS.
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