At some point in your life, you are likely to get into some sort of fender bender with another driver. It could be as small as your car tapping into someone else's bumper or another driver doing the same to you. You may be tempted to not report this incident to your auto insurance provider because there is no reason for you to file a claim. However, know that these small incidents should always be reported for the following reasons.
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Should Your Company Choose Self-Funded Insurance?
When it comes to choosing insurance for your company, you generally have two choices: fully funded and self-funded plans. The former means paying a company each month to manage and cover your claims. The latter means covering your own claims, usually with the help of an administrator. Although you may think a self-funded system exposes you to excessive risk, it can actually offer you a number of advantages.
Benefit Customization
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Beyond Burglary – Other Dangers During A Vacation
Burglary is one of the things people worry about most while on vacation. This is a valid concern since thieves prefer meeting the least resistance while breaking into houses, and unoccupied houses provide them with this opportunity. However, there are other threats that you should be concerned about while on vacation. Here are three examples:
Electrical Malfunctions
A typical home is filled with expensive electrical equipment; things like computers, home theaters, projectors, and television sets are all costly to replace.
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3 Tips To Consider When Investing In A Car
Are you getting ready to purchase a car for the first time? Before you make the investment, there are a few important things that should be considered. You must keep in mind that there is more to buying a car than simply paying the sales price. Take a look at this article for helpful tips that will make the process of buying a car smooth from start to finish.
1. Know What You Are Buying
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