4 Essential Types Of Insurance Coverage For Your Business

Whether you are starting a new business or just looking to improve upon your current business's security and safety, insurance is an integral part of that. There are a wide range of different insurance policies and coverages you can get for your business, but these are among the most important. General Liability General liability is typically the first insurance policy that businesses will get. General liability includes different areas of coverage, including premises liability and products liability. [Read More]

3 Simple Ways You Can Save Money On Your Home Insurance

Every homeowner should carry insurance on his or her house. This is the safest and wisest way to protect your investment. However, many people overpay on their home insurance because they don't know what they can do to save money. Here are some things you should know about saving money on your homeowners insurance policy. 1. Install Better Security Measures Installing a security system in your home is good for many reasons. [Read More]

3 Things You Need To Know About Additional Living Expense When Filing A Property Insurance Claim

If your home was recently damaged to such an extent that you cannot live in your home until repairs are completed, and you have an additional living expense or ALE coverage, this should help pay for your living expenses while the repairs are under way. Here are three things that are important to understand about how your ALE can help you out in this particular situation. #1 Evaluate Your Shelter Needs [Read More]

What You Should Know About Your Car Being Totaled

If you have been in a car accident, you might be wondering if your car will be considered totaled or if the insurance company will just give it back to you and pay for repairs. Here are some things you need to know. 1. What Was The Cash Value Of The Car At The Time Of The Accident? One question that will be asked is what was the cash value of the car, not when you bought it, but when you wrecked the car. [Read More]