
Home Renovation Upgrades That Could Decrease Homeowners' Insurance Rates

If you are considering big renovations to your home, wouldn't it be nice if you could make those renovations really worthwhile? Some renovations boost your property value and decrease your homeowners insurance rates at the same time. Below, you will find a few materials to consider as you work to renovate your home. These materials will provide you with a discount on your homeowners' insurance premiums for the years ahead.

Why Is Your Car Insurance So Pricey?

Do you open up your car insurance bill every month and wonder why it costs so much? If so, you are not alone. If you find out the true reason behind your costly car insurance, you have a better chance of lowering it. Here are five reasons why your car insurance may be pricey: 1. You Have a Low Credit Score Unfortunately, a low credit score can have an impact on how much your insurance costs.

Tips For Saving Money On Auto Insurance

Do you currently own a car, truck, or van? Does it feel like your insurance premiums are going up every time you blink? High auto insurance premiums can be a challenge and may be especially frustrating if you've never been involved in a car accident. If you're tired of paying too much, here are some tips for getting a lower rate: Shop around: Many people assume that their auto insurance company will give them the best auto insurance rate, simply for being a loyal customer for years.

Six Things That Your Auto Insurance Policy May Cover After A Major Car Accident

When you think about getting into a car accident, you may think that the only thing you have to worry about is getting your car repaired, but that is not the case at all. You have to think about the medical attention you will require, as well as the time it takes for you to be able to fully recover from the accident. The following guide walks you through a few things your auto insurance may cover, if you are involved in a car accident that causes an extended recovery period.

3 Life Events That May Signal You Need More Life Insurance

Have you had some big changes in your life recently? Did those changes give you greater financial responsibility or obligations? If so, it may be possible that you need more life insurance to protect your loved ones. Your greatest asset may be your ability to work and generate income to meet your obligations. If you pass away, your family could lose your income, putting them in a challenging financial situation. Life insurance can protect them by providing a financial benefit upon your death.

About To Have A Teenage Driver? 4 Ways To Keep Your Insurance Rates Affordable

You pride yourself on being a good driver. You do everything you can to keep your auto insurance premiums at an affordable rate. However, now you have a teenage driver and you're worried that your premiums will go through the roof when you add them to your policy. The good news is that your premiums don't have to skyrocket just because you're insuring a teenage driver. Here are four steps you can take to keep your premiums at an affordable level.

Three Ways To Save Money On Your Auto Insurance … And How Much You Can Save

Looking at your existing bills and thinking of ways that you can reduce them can be an effective way to keep more money in your pocket each month. One of the bills that you can often successfully reduce is your auto insurance bill. Although being a safe driver year after year can often help to lower your rate over time, there are other strategies that you can adopt to put you in line for immediate rate drops.

Should You Lend Your Vehicle?

Everyone needs a loaner car from time to time. Maybe your son's car doesn't start one morning, or you best friend's truck is in the shop. When someone asks to borrow your vehicle, should you say yes or will you be opening yourself up to serious liability issues? As a vehicle owner, you need to understand your financial exposure when you lend someone your car or truck. The Insurance Trail

2 Home Improvements That Can Reduce Your Home Insurance Rates

Home insurance is one of the most important things that you can purchase as a homeowner, mostly because it can protect you financially from quite a few different disasters and accidents. However, since home insurance is an ongoing expense, it is typically a good idea to reduce the cost as much as possible. Listed below are two improvements that you can make to your home that can reduce your home insurance rates.

Three Ways To Save On Car Insurance That You May Not Have Thought Of

Are you planning to save more in the New Year? Whether you are stashing away money to pay down debt, fund retirement, or to take a dream vacation, one place where you can sometimes make cuts is your auto insurance policy. While you probably already follow common cost saving ideas, like comparing prices and combining policies, there may still be a few money saving options that you are unaware of. Let this guide inspire you.