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What Should You Do If You Experience Damage From A Hit-And-Run Accident?

A hit-and-run accident is one in which one car hits another and then the first car flees the scene of the accident hoping to not get caught. Accidents like this happen all the time, and while these accidents can be a pain for the victims of the accidents, there are steps you can take for recourse. Here are several things to know about what you should do if you are the victim of a hit-and-run collision.

Contact the police

It is always a good idea to call the police right away after a hit-and-run accident occurs. The police will document the accident and may be able to find evidence to determine who the other driver was. When a driver is involved in an accident, he or she has the obligation to stop at the scene. If this driver fails to do this, he or she is committing a crime, and the only way you will ever find this person is if you involve the police in the situation.

Wait to see if they can find the other driver

When the police arrive to a hit-and-run scene, they will do all they can to find out who the other driver was. They will begin by investigating the scene to look for evidence. They will also talk to witnesses in the area and will even look to see if there is surveillance footage in the area that may have caught the accident on camera.

Utilize your own insurance policy

The one big problem you may encounter after a hit-and-run accident is determining how to get the damage covered by insurance. In a normal car accident, the driver responsible for the accident would be responsible for paying the damage. In a hit-and-run case, though, you do not know who the other driver is. Therefore, you will need to talk to your own insurance agent to see if your policy would cover the damages to your car. If you have collision coverage, this type of coverage might provide you with compensation for this. If you do not have collision coverage, your uninsured motorist coverage might cover the damages you encountered from the hit-and-run collision.

If you have car insurance but are not sure if you have enough coverage and the right coverage, contact an auto insurance service today. A car insurance agent can help you cover yourself for all areas of driving, including for situations that may involve hit-and-run cases.
