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Why You Need To Report Any Auto Accident To Your Auto Insurance Provider

At some point in your life, you are likely to get into some sort of fender bender with another driver. It could be as small as your car tapping into someone else's bumper or another driver doing the same to you. You may be tempted to not report this incident to your auto insurance provider because there is no reason for you to file a claim. However, know that these small incidents should always be reported for the following reasons.

The Story Could Be Twisted

No matter who is at fault for causing a minor fender bender, reporting the incident to your insurance agent will ensure that your side of the story has been reported. You never know what the other driver could do, and they may twist the story to their benefit. For instance, you may have not caused any notable damage to their car, but what if damage happens to it the next day by them backing up into something on accident? They may try to claim that the damage they caused was your responsibility.

Having your side of the story on record before another driver files a claim of their own is the best way to clarify any conflicts between the two stories. There are typically not witnesses for minor incidents, and it's possible that the police will not come out to investigate it either without an injury. Take the time to make a report with your insurance company to ensure that you are protected from the other driver not being truthful about the accident.

There Could Be Unseen Damage Later

You may not see damage at the time of the accident, but there could be unseen damage that is not apparent until later. There may have even been damage caused to either car that you wrote off as existing damage, but did not realize until later that it was caused by the accident. This can include paint scratches or a bumper that is now slightly off due to the impact.

Having the incident documented immediately after it happened will help prove that it was caused by the accident. Otherwise, the accident could be called into question if you decide that you want it fixed months later. You'll have difficulty proving that an accident actually happened.

For more information, contact local professionals like Insure With U.S. They can help guide you through filing a report, even if you are not making a claim right away. 
